• Dr. Barbara Klein was the very first guest on Twin Talk and has agreed to return for an open discussion on early childhood and twin development based on questions from our audience. A twin herself and expert in childhood development, Dr. Klein also has extensive clinical experience with twins in psychotherapy and would love to take questions from psychotherapists treating twins or twins ourselves on twin transference in psychotherapy, difficulties in adult twin relationships, the cognitive schema of twins, and the unconscious world of twins as expressed in dreams and associations. She and Dr. Mercy will both dialogue with callers on some of the more complex and challenging issues faced by twins, our spouses, and parents. Dr. Klein is an excellent key note speaker and willingly accepts those invitations from universities and other organizations. Her web site is easy to remember drbarbaraklein.com.  
  • Dr. Mercy will discuss ‘the twin in the transference’ and share some of her own case experiences. Is there any reason to believe that twins can perform psychotherapy with twins better than singles?  Twins may present with separation, loss of the twin, too much closeness, and difficulty resolving parental issues. What does it take to be a great psychotherapist?  What theories of human behavior define the therapeutic experience?  Does one theory work better than the others?  How do we know what works?  What is evidence-based psychotherapy?  What characteristics of the psychotherapist give the client the experience of getting better?  Several psychotherapists will join the program to discuss what works.  They will continue the discussion from last week with Dr. Barbara Klein about treating twins and share their experiences with twins.  What was the presenting problem and how did the psychotherapy proceed?
  • If you are a twin, a parent of twins, or close to a twin, you will enjoy the interview with Dr. Barbara Klein, a twin herself and expert in childhood development. Dr. Klein will discuss the strong influences of parenting styles and early childhood experiences on the way in which co-twins relate to each other. These methods of twinning are covered in her book ‘Not All Twins Are Alike.’  She will also answer questions such as; ‘What is it like growing up as a twin? Do twins have difficulty in non-twin relationships? Why do twins fight? Why is twin loss so profoundly difficult for the surviving twin? Why should parents stress the individual differences between their twin children? How can we help gifted and challenged twins?  What are the advantages of co-twins being different?’  Dr. Klein’s twin Marjorie teaches rhetorical writing at Stanford University and Dr. Klein will surely comment on their relationship throughout the life stages of childhood and adulthood.


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