• Special guest Pamela Prindle Fierro is an author and mother of identical twins, Pamela sought to connect with fellow parents of twins for advice and companionship. She now writes and supports other families with multiples, to encourage them in their parenting journey. She's written and produced numerous Web features on parenting and home management. Pamela is the author of three books:
    • Everything Twins, Triplets and More (2012)
    • Your Pregnancy Devotional (2006)
    • Mommy Rescue Guide Twins, Triplets, and More: Lifesaving Techniques and Advice for Surviving Life with Multiples (2008)
  • Diane is the grandmother of fraternal girl twins who are barely two months old.  This miracle pregnancy of her 24-year old daughter came as a marvelous surprise.  The twins were born healthy and named Lila and Nikita.  Diane has been instrumental in their care since the beginning; she has put her heart and soul into the health and well-being of the twins and their parents.  The father is a Navy Seal and expert sniper who spent several tours in Iraq.   This young family is struggling to care for the infants and make financial ends meet.  The grandmother has provided respite care for the beautiful twins whenever the mom and dad needed some time to relax.  She will discuss her role in this evolving situation and some of her feelings.  Dr. Mercy has done natal charts for the two twins and will discuss her findings with the grandmother during the show.  The natal chart according to Dr. Carl Jung reflects the soul's intention for this lifetime and may provide some insight into the destiny of these two tiny girls. Biography:  Diane is descended from Hungarian royalty and danced with several ballet companies when younger.  Her outer beauty reflects a powerful inner spirit and determination to live an extraordinary life.  Diane has raised four children from two marriages, one boy and three girls.  Two of her daughters have lost their lives: one to a drug overdose and the other to a rare disease.  These two daughters are still very deeply missed.  She is now married to a third husband who adores her and has helped her family in every way possible during the year since their marriage.  She is thrilled with the newly born twin granddaughters and has expressed that there may be a synchronicity between two grandgirls born and two daughters deceased.
  • These beautiful young adult twins have reached a point in their development that fascinates clinicians and researchers.  They are moving out of the sheltered states of childhood and adolescence and learning to create their own lives.  Moving away from home, relocating to another state, finding jobs which match their credentials, evaluating potential partners, and planning for motherhood are all rites of passage which twins experience in different ways from singles.  Some of these rites occur earlier for one twin than the other, potentially creating stress and strain in the twinship.   The choices that they are making, together and apart, now have adult consequences and as Robert Frost has said in ‘The Road Not Taken’ ‘knowing how way leads on to way’ these choices will have a fundamental effect on the twinship in later years.  Listen to their points of view and world views on Twin Talk.


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