• Guy Playfair is a world-renowned expert in psychic phenomena and has spent years researching case examples of twin telepathy for his seminal book Twin Telepathy (2002, 2008). In this program, Playfair will discuss his firm belief in the reality of twin psychic abilities including mental and dream telepathy.  He will report the circumstances under which twin telepathy works best and provide powerful examples of this frequently reported and well documented experience. The scientific establishment has been reluctant to embrace the evidence for such telepathy and Playfair will discuss the continuing breach between rigorous scientific methods and paranormal documentation. He will also elaborate on the Big Five of psychic abilities: telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, telekinesis and spiritual healing in relation to twins. He will give examples of the utility of twin telepathy to families, communities, and society.
  • Dr. Barbara Klein was the very first guest on Twin Talk and has agreed to return for an open discussion on early childhood and twin development based on questions from our audience. A twin herself and expert in childhood development, Dr. Klein also has extensive clinical experience with twins in psychotherapy and would love to take questions from psychotherapists treating twins or twins ourselves on twin transference in psychotherapy, difficulties in adult twin relationships, the cognitive schema of twins, and the unconscious world of twins as expressed in dreams and associations. She and Dr. Mercy will both dialogue with callers on some of the more complex and challenging issues faced by twins, our spouses, and parents. Dr. Klein is an excellent key note speaker and willingly accepts those invitations from universities and other organizations. Her web site is easy to remember drbarbaraklein.com.  
  • An interview with Sally Rhine Feather PhD on Twin Parapsychology. Dr. Feather is the eldest daughter of Joseph Banks Rhine and Louisa E Rhine, who are considered to be the founders of modern parapsychology.  Feather served as a child subject at the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory founded by her father, and later worked there as a research assistant, both before and after attending college, and after obtaining a doctorate in experimental psychology from Duke University (1967).  Her research topics included psi abilities of animals, correlation of memory and ESP performance, and help-hinder effects in a PK task. Following another lifelong interest, Feather obtained further training in clinical psychology at University of North Carolina in 1969 and devoted the next several decades to clinical psychology in mental health centers and private practice until retirement in 2004.   A move back to North Carolina in the early 1990’s enabled her to get re-involved in the Rhine Research Center.  Since 1994 she has served in various administrative capacities including the board of directors and for several years as volunteer executive director.  She co-authored a popular book on ESP experiences (St. Martins, 2005) and received the 2010 Career Achievement Award from the Parapsychology Association.
  • Dr. Mercy interviews Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, MD.  After an undergraduate education in neuroscience, Dr. Powell, a nationally prominent Johns Hopkins-trained neuropsychiatrist and former clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, examines the evidence for many types of psychic phenomena, from telepathy and precognition to psychokinesis, and finds several well-designed and rigorously supervised studies that prove the existence of some psychic phenomena. This raises the important question: how is this possible? Diane Hennacy Powell, who studies unusual psychological phenomenon has been studying twins separated and kept together at birth. She has found that some twins do have a special kind of connection and that twins that grow up together and in the same environment can become very close. (Powell MD, Diane Hennacy. "Twin Telepathy and the Illusion of Separation." Noetic Now Journal. Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1 Apr. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2015).


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