Dr. Mercy has reached out to organizers and potential participants in the Twins Day Festival happening this weekend in Twinsburg, Ohio. She is hoping to connect with people attending the festival during Twin Talk show time to discover what brings them to the festival, what do they love about it, and what experiences do they carry home into their lives. The festival begins officially Friday, August 6 with a day of activities devoted to twins and their families. The following two days are open to the public. Anyone in the neighborhood of Cleveland may want to attend the weekend festivities including a parade Saturday morning, twin contests, and twin talent shows. The festival is an ideal place for researchers to connect with twin subjects for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, and booths at the festival are purchased by agencies for their research. Dr. Mercy will discuss some of the studies during the show or later in the Twin Talk series.
Festival Days at Twinsburg, Ohio
Category: Twin Talks
Tags: Festival Days at Twinsburg Ohio, Growing Up Twins, Not All Twins Are Alike, Twins, Twinsburg Ohio, Twinship
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