• The 2010 Twinless Twin (TTSGI) conference is being held this weekend in Ypsilanti, Michigan, the headquarters of the organization. The keynote interview with Joan Woodward, author of “The Lone Twin” from London, England, will take place on Friday July 16, followed by Twinless Twin Testimonials and breakout groups: early loss, adult loss, teens, families and significant others of twinless twins. Individual twins attending the TTSGI conference will speak to Dr. Mercy about their experiences at the conference and its importance in their recovery. Testimonials from previous conferences: ‘It is a true miracle of transformation...from all alone in a darkness that only a twinless twin could know, to a family and network of Twinless Twins to start a new, healing journey. Nobody understood when I said how "alone" I felt or expressed that I didn't know how to be one.  No one has a clue what it's like to have half your soul ripped out. After half a century together as one, now I must be merely a half.’
  • Do twins have unique powers that connect them?  How is our soul journey different from singles?  The process of Energy Healing requires that the master direct her psychic powers to the unfolding of wholeness and truth within the patient. These powers are both learned and innate. Sheilana will discuss the psychic abilities that she has discovered and practiced during her many years of energy healing. She will describe how she developed them and how others can cultivate such powers. The relationship of energetic healing to twins will be covered, and how Sheilana has experienced twinship in her practice.  How can we maintain a heightened awareness of our energies as twins?  What good can we do in the world?
  • Tina Jenicek is a perfect example of a busy single mom with twins.  Her twins are fraternal, a boy and girl 10 years old, attending day camp and learning everything they can at this marvelous age of industry and growth.  We are all wondering if their genetic material and life experiences favor similarities or differences in personality, intelligence, and aptitude. Tina will describe her experiences with the twins from conception through elementary school.  Our conversation will feature questions about the relationship between the twins, her closeness with each, the dominance and birth order myths, school placement, managing competition, ’best friends’, balancing work and home as a single mom, and all the questions that you have always wanted to ask about raising boy/girl twins.  Tina also chairs the Florida Organization of Mothers of Twins in her spare time!  She will discuss their services and supports for moms and dads of multiples.  Call in with your questions to 1-866-613-1612.
  • NOMOTC, founded in 1960, is currently a network of over 450 local clubs and 25000 individual parents of multiples. This non-profit organization funded by grants, donations and dues is dedicated to supporting families through education, research and networking. The organization partners with local support groups, health care providers, researchers and educators to raise public awareness about the unique qualities of multiples. NOMOTC publishes current research, expert columns, book reviews, club news, and multiple birth related articles and participates in medical and psychological research projects that involve multiples and/or their families. It is a national charter member of the International Society of Twin Studies and the COMBO. They operate a Support Service Program to assist individuals in special cases including Pen Pals for parents of disabled multiples, support for Higher Order Multiples and Bereavement Support for those who have lost a child or spouse.
  • Guy Playfair is a world-renowned expert in psychic phenomena and has spent years researching case examples of twin telepathy for his seminal book Twin Telepathy (2002, 2008). In this program, Playfair will discuss his firm belief in the reality of twin psychic abilities including mental and dream telepathy.  He will report the circumstances under which twin telepathy works best and provide powerful examples of this frequently reported and well documented experience. The scientific establishment has been reluctant to embrace the evidence for such telepathy and Playfair will discuss the continuing breach between rigorous scientific methods and paranormal documentation. He will also elaborate on the Big Five of psychic abilities: telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, telekinesis and spiritual healing in relation to twins. He will give examples of the utility of twin telepathy to families, communities, and society.
  • YOU CAN ONLY MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION ONCE; THE GANZ TWINS MAKE IT TWICE. Lisa and Debbie Ganz are extremely passionate about twins and multiples and on Twin Talk they expect to EDUCATE, INSPIRE and also ENTERTAIN the Twins/Multiple listeners with Twinergy, the energy created by twins. These twins are TWINS FOR A LIVING or TWINPRENEURS who have dedicated their lives to helping twins. Over the last 15 years they have met over 100,000 sets of twins/multiples worldwide and continue to meet more daily. With their many businesses, crazy fun personalities, and stories about the people they recruit for reality TV...there is never a dull moment.  If Dr. Mercy can get a question in the mix, she will ask them about their lives growing up, their introduction into show business and the crazy world of NYC, their personal lives, their frequent travels to twin events such as Twinsburg, and their future plans.
  • Dr. Bob Van de Castle, the King of Dreams, has agreed to discuss the methods and results of the dissertation ‘Do Twins Dreams Twin Dreams?: A Quantitative Comparison with Single’s Dreams’ which Dr. Mercy wrote for her PhD at Capella University. The research compared 164 dreams of female identical twins with the dreams of female norms developed by Hall and Van de Castle to support the content analysis of dreams. Hundreds of researchers have used these scales and norms, making them the most widely used quantitative tools in dream study.  Dr. Mercy will present the methods and significant results with commentary by Dr. Van de Castle. Dr. Van de Castle participated in many laboratory studies of dream telepathy and was considered one of the best telepathic senders. He will reminisce about his experiences as lab subject with the greatest dream researchers of our era. He will also present his ideas for future twin research and his own plans as scientist and author.  
  • Dr. Bob Van de Castle, the King of Dreams, has agreed to discuss the methods and results of the dissertation ‘Do Twins Dreams Twin Dreams?: A Quantitative Comparison with Single’s Dreams’ which Dr. Mercy wrote for her PhD at Capella University. The research compared 164 dreams of female identical twins with the dreams of female norms developed by Hall and Van de Castle to support the content analysis of dreams. Hundreds of researchers have used these scales and norms, making them the most widely used quantitative tools in dream study.  Dr. Mercy will present the methods and significant results with commentary by Dr. Van de Castle. Dr. Van de Castle participated in many laboratory studies of dream telepathy and was considered one of the best telepathic senders. He will reminisce about his experiences as lab subject with the greatest dream researchers of our era. He will also present his ideas for future twin research and his own plans as scientist and author.  
  • Paula Abdullah is the mother of five teenage children living in Deatur, Illinois. Four of the teens are two sets...
  • Sheldon Chrysler, identical twin and aviation expert, will discuss his new book Life after Death of My Twin: The Surviving Twin Story. He will describe his life as an identical twin while growing up as a child in Denver, Colorado. He will also talk about his successes and failures as an adult running an aviation business with his twin and later teaching aviation. He will also discuss his various certifications and licenses within the aviation field. Sheldon plans to share the process of writing the book about himself and Barry and what his life is like now without Barry. Given all the trials in his life, Sheldon will explain his secrets for maintaining a positive attitude about his life and continuing to honor his twin Barry. Dr. Mercy will ask him to identify his heroes and his deepest wishes for his own future. She will also ask Sheldon what he foresees for the future of twins and twinless twins within society and what we have to offer to our fellow human beings.
  • Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two - Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two identical female twins still recovering from their co-twins’ deaths tell their stories of descent into hell and the quest for acceptance and wholeness as a single twin. The experiences of sudden death by suicide and wasting, lengthy illness will provide a stark contrast in the grief process. They will discuss their twinship bond and how that bond continues to manifest after death. Both women came out as lesbians during their lifetimes while the co-twins remained heterosexual. In the second episode, they will discuss the process of sexual revelation that occurred and their manner of coping with this profound difference in life style from the beloved identical twin. Science has not yet found some of the questions but these women have found their own answers.  They will interweave their stories, finding the similarities and differences in their twin journeys.
  • Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two identical female twins still recovering from their co-twins’ deaths tell their stories of descent into hell and the quest for acceptance and wholeness as a single twin. The experiences of sudden death by suicide and wasting, lengthy illness will provide a stark contrast in the grief process. They will discuss their twinship bond and how that bond continues to manifest after death. Both women came out as lesbians during their lifetimes while the co-twins remained heterosexual. In the second episode, they will discuss the process of sexual revelation that occurred and their manner of coping with this profound difference in life style from the beloved identical twin. Science has not yet found some of the questions but these women have found their own answers.  They will interweave their stories, finding the similarities and differences in their twin journeys.


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