• Sally has been there and done that!  She was married with identical twin boys, divorced with the same twins as teens, and now living alone with her pets while the twins as young adults attend college together.  Sally will tell us how she fared within her various life styles and stages, how she mothered the twins during the phases of their development, how the twins helped her during the divorce, and how she is adjusting to life without them.  She will discuss how she has grown and matured as a mother of twins, as a woman, and as an individual.  If you are parenting twins, you will want to hear about Sally’s highs and lows, her successes and defeats, and her ways of coping during the stages of her full and fulfilling life.
  • Keith and Kevin Goodwin have shared their lives in every way.  They have both raised children, lived together and lived apart.  Kevin has older children and Keith has younger children.  How have their paths as husbands and fathers converged?  What differences have they experienced as husbands and fathers?  What aptitudes and interests do they share and how do they differ?  With luck, Tracy will call during the school day and perhaps the girls will call from their cell phones.  What is it like to be married to twins and have twins as fathers?  The girls are very gorgeous at the ages of 9, 7, and 6.  Tracy is an exceptional wife and mother.  Keith will talk about the experience of being married to an achievement-oriented woman who is working two jobs, raising three children, and completed her doctorate in her spare time.  Oh my goodness.  Life as a twin is wonderful.
  • Bio: Don and his identical twin brother Ronnie were born in Charleston, South Carolina, the youngest two sons of four brothers.  Their mother was raised in poverty and worked in the textile mills.  Later during World War II she worked in a munitions factory. Their father was a fighter pilot in the 8th Army during the war and flew numerous missions in Europe before being shot down over Italy near the end of the hostilities.  He was a prisoner of war until the Allies liberated Italy.  Don and Ronnie played in the cotton fields while their mother worked and later themselves worked in the fields of the southern farms.  They stayed with their father until his death from congestive hearth failure several years ago and then Ronnie died at 55 three years ago.  Don is finding his way back to life after a near death experience himself.  He has reunited with his brother’s ex-wife Theresa who is helping him regain his will to live. Program description:  Don has been resurrected from despair and near death.  He and Dr. Mercy met each other at Twinless Twins Support Group International during the 2009 annual conference in Denver.  They have since realized that they were destined to meet and create a deeply meaningful relationship as twins are here on this planet to do.  His love for his twin brother Ronnie ran wide and deep and he almost followed him into death and the afterlife.  Theresa’s loving care for both twins since the age of 15 brought him back to life on earth.  She found him near death in a hospital where his older brothers had abandoned him to die.  If Theresa can get away from her job responsibilities as an engineer, she will join us briefly on the show to discuss her experiences with these extraordinary twins.  Sometimes love IS enough.
  • Dr. Mercy and her guests will explore the topic of life stages and discuss whether twins have rites of passage that differ from singles.  The road of life is littered with surprising events when we know that nothing about us will ever be the same and seminal moments when we know that we must go forward because there is no turning back.  These benchmarks on the journey can be marked by rituals, holidays, chance meetings, life-long friendships, marriages, divorces, hospitalizations, incarcerations, spiritual awakenings, growth spurts, rituals, graduations, certificates, and deaths.  Are these states of transformation and maturation experienced in the same way by singles as by twins?  Do the same types of events precipitate change?  Is there an added complexity in the life stages of twins?  Tune in to hear the discussion. Biographies: Don is still visiting Dr. Mercy in Bokeelia, Florida, and he will return to the show for this episode.  He lost his twin Ronnie three years ago and then came very near death himself.  He believes that he has been given another chance at life.
  • These sets of twins from Texas fell in love, went on a double date to Las Vegas, and won thousands...
  • Dr. Mercy met Karen on Pine Island in SW Florida and fell in love with her strong spirit and work...
  • Dr. Mercy interviews Joan Angelis, a Regional Representative for Twinless Twins Support Group International. Joan talks about her twin sister...


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