• Dr. Margery Runyan, psychotherapist, discusses the practices of Dr. Carl Jung, a disciple of Sigmund Freud until they separated over theoretical differences. Dr. Jung believed that the unconscious had a collective component composed of symbolic energy nodes known as archetypes. Freud believed that the unconscious was filled solely with repressed personal material. Dr. Mercy contrasts ‘symbols’ and ‘signs.’  A symbol belongs to the dream world and intuition; it resonates with deeper levels of meaning as it unfolds within the unconscious and bridges the gap to the consciousness. Signs are equations that have known meanings within the cultural consciousness.
  • The Navajo have occupied their sacred lands in the Four Corners for centuries. The Hero Twins tells the story of two brothers born to Changing Woman and trained by the Holy People to save their people from the naayéé', a race of monsters. Kit Carson joins the story as naayéé'. Kit Carson was ordered to subdue the Navajo in New Mexico through destroying crops and starvation, forcing them to move from their ancestral lands to a distant, inhospitable reservation on the Pecos River.
  • Dr. Mercy provides a guided tour through the sages of the monomyth known as the hero's journey. In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, or the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Earlier figures had proposed similar concepts, including psychologist Otto Rank and amateur anthropologist Lord Raglan. Eventually, hero myth pattern studies were popularized by Joseph Campbell, who was influenced by Carl Jung's analytical psychology. Campbell used the monomyth to analyze and compare religions.
  • Dr. Mercy interviews Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, MD.  After an undergraduate education in neuroscience, Dr. Powell, a nationally prominent Johns Hopkins-trained neuropsychiatrist and former clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, examines the evidence for many types of psychic phenomena, from telepathy and precognition to psychokinesis, and finds several well-designed and rigorously supervised studies that prove the existence of some psychic phenomena. This raises the important question: how is this possible? Diane Hennacy Powell, who studies unusual psychological phenomenon has been studying twins separated and kept together at birth. She has found that some twins do have a special kind of connection and that twins that grow up together and in the same environment can become very close. (Powell MD, Diane Hennacy. "Twin Telepathy and the Illusion of Separation." Noetic Now Journal. Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1 Apr. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2015).
  • Dr. Mercy interviews Dr. Nancy Segal, Professor of Psychology and Director of Twin Studies at the California State University, Fullerton, will be discussing twins switched at birth. As a fraternal twin, psychologist and researcher, Dr. Segal has been uniquely positioned to perform ground-breaking studies on twins including her work at the University of Minnesota with twins separated at birth and reunited in adulthood and her most recent study on the development of Chinese twins adopted internationally both apart and together. Her other research has included the behavioral similarities of virtual twins (same age unrelated children raised together) and the behavioral consequences of twin loss. Dr. Segal is considered one of the foremost experts on the nature versus nurture controversy based on her quantitative studies of twins’ behaviors. Dr. Segal will be prepared to discuss the nature of twin relationships, twin development, twins accused of cheating at school, and twin relationships within the family. Dr. Nancy Segal has written seven books about twins.  Dr. Segal has authored approximately 250 scientific articles and book chapters in addition to her many books. A recent paper won a 2007 Award for Excellence in Research from the Mensa Foundation. She is also an Associate Editor of Twin Research and Human Genetics, the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies. She serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals, including Twin Research and Human Genetics, Evolution and Human Behavior and Human Ethology.
  • Dr. Mercy broadcasts her last Twin Talk show on World Talk Radio, reviewing her past guests and her own presentations over the year and a half that the show has been carried on World Talk Radio.  She mentions guests such as clinicians Dr. Jane Greer and Dr. Barbara Klein, physicians Dr. Kari Nardeau and Dr. Diane Powell, parapsychologists Dr. Sally Rhine Feather and Guy Playfair, dream expert Dr. Bob Van de Castle, twin moms with NOMOTC, and her own sister and mother. The twin sets who have guested are also memorable: Ana and Isa with The Power of Two movie, Sonya and Tonya facing cancer, Cheryl and Meryl, the Clark triplets, Lee and Jesse, Brenda and Linda; the twin sets seem to multiply! Dr. Mercy’s own presentations on numerology, astrology, dreams, synchronicity, symbolism, and twin myths fascinated the listeners.  She discusses her future plans and contacts. Bio: Dr. Mercy has been broadcasting Twin Talk weekly on Friday mornings since World Talk Radio recruited her and helped her create the show.  The show was live on air from April of 2010 through August of 2011 when Dr. Mercy decided to try different activities such as writing e-books on twins, traveling in Europe, living in Paris and forming a psychotherapy group in Aztec, New Mexico.  Her partner George Lane at 78 needs her attention, as do the Florida and Colorado homes. Twincerely, Dr. Mercy, broadcasting to twins and those who love us
  • In this powerful memoir, an identical twin embarks on a heroine's journey to find her lost twin. Along the way, she provides a rare glimpse into the Twin World to all who honor twinship. How does our heroine survive twin loss? The Tao shows her the way. She learns that the dark is the source of the light. The still is the source of all motion. The wise one trusts her Heart above the World. Now a Jiugian analyst, the lone twin shares her hope for spiritual ascent and reunion.
    Open Tao of Twins


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